Don’t worry, be happy. Despite what the media tells you, what the politicians are ranting about, and what you’ve convinced yourself, the so-called fiscal cliff is no big deal. Many years ago, in the frat house, the most popular TV show was the Roadrunner. I don’t think I’ve seen a Roadrunner cartoon from start to Read the full article…
Watch this and you will see how ineptocracy works in a politician’s favor. All of this explains why this election is the most important in most of our lifetimes. Capitalism is what made America unique. Freedom to invest in an idea, unfettered by excessive government regulation, was unique to America. Today, few can explain Read the full article…
It may be too late for our great country. Fifty percent of Americans pay no taxes. twenty percent of US males under 40 don’t work. Eighty million checks are mailed out by the US Treasury each month. And, 131,000,000 Americans voted in the 2008 election. You do the math. Obama and the left now own Read the full article…