November/20/2015 5:06AM
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The raging debate about the Syrian refugees is a good example of American charity. When is enough too much? For liberals there is no such point.  For the average American that point is somewhat defined. For those of us who pay taxes, and that’s becoming less than half of us, we struggle with that this Read the full article…

May/18/2015 6:08AM
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First, send them to school. All the teachers are members of a union. The union collects dues. The dues go to elect politicians who support liberal causes. Hence, they support lower test scores since they object to rating teachers on test scores, weeding out poor performing teachers, paying teachers more than property taxes can support, Read the full article…

December/27/2014 5:30AM
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The NSB blog hit new records in all categories for 2014. I thank you for taking your valuable time to read my amateur thoughts. This work is still dedicated to my grandkids who will have a lesser standard of living in this great country than my kids enjoyed. We have been on a very bad Read the full article…