July/23/2011 16:16PM
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Not able to control his contrived anger, President Obama attacked Republicans for their failure to kiss his feet over the debt ceiling. Wow, has this guy got chutzpah. He turned a $10 trillion debt into $14 trillion in less than three years. He asked for a budget that would give him another $3 trillion without Read the full article…

July/17/2011 16:59PM
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Want yet another example of what little respect our President and Congress have for our tax dollars? When you listen to the big struggles about downsizing the federal government, keep this in mind. Bush put together the 2007 energy bill. It was indicative of his lack of courage. But, in fairness, if he mentioned anything Read the full article…

July/14/2011 16:56PM
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President Obama abruptly walked out of a prolonged debate on the critical issue of the debt ceiling because he was being challenged. Never in my 34 years in business did I ever see a leader walk out of a heated debate. Many times  I disagree with the final decision that came out of a heated Read the full article…