September/27/2013 5:35AM
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This is a short list of requirements we must keep doing in this country. 1. Borrowing money to meet our spending requirements. Just as a junkie must steal to support a habit, we must steal from our grandkids to support our spending. If a politician votes to stop or lower spending we fire him or her. Read the full article…

January/10/2013 8:33AM
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When liberals run things there is a trend. Let’s start with the media. The New York Times is going broke. The Chicago Tribune went broke. Al Gore sold his TV station to Al Jazeera. This should qualify him to be Obama’s next Secretary of State. Oprah is losing money with her TV station. MSNBC and CNN are going Read the full article…

August/01/2011 16:07PM
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You wonder what’s going on with jobs in this country? Just listen to this small businessman and you may have a better perspective from the small businessmans’ perspective. He’s right about  the clowns. Anyone but me tired of Obama coming on TV every day and blaming everyone in America for his debt problem? Anyone Read the full article…