November/08/2018 8:12AM
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The state of Illinois is in the final stages of life. Expenses in the form of public pension obligations exceed the state’s capacity to collect taxes or borrow money. Every five minutes another resident leaves the state. Those leaving are middle class working taxpayers. Property taxes are the highest in the nation. The state has the largest Read the full article…

June/29/2016 5:19AM
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Let me introduce you to the two gentlemen who have forced the great state of Illinois into bankruptcy. No it’s not official yet, but its true. There is no out for Illinois. The gun has been fired and the bullet in on its way and there is no dodging what’s coming. The pension obligations for public employees Read the full article…

October/04/2015 5:17AM
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This is what you get when a state goes broke. When the state can’t pay lottery winners. When a state has been run by two democrats with a combined time in office of 81 years. When you give away more than you can possibly  take in through increased taxes. When you elect a Hillary Clinton Read the full article…