August/11/2018 8:39AM
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First, let me say, the country has never run better in my lifetime. Anyone who wants a job can find a job. We are at peacetime and seems we might stay that way since we are amping up the military and remind those who threaten us that we are prepared to defend our freedom. Businesses Read the full article…

February/03/2017 10:46AM
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This is easy. You don’t have to travel. No need to irritate people at airports trying to travel. We aren’t asking you to loot or burn or engage in any illegal activity. No vagina costumes. No need to spray an innocent woman with pepper spray. No misspelled signs. It doesn’t involve supporting an illogical cause like women Read the full article…

August/30/2016 7:33AM
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What a week. Colin Kaepernick refuses to stand for the National Anthem and then gives an explanation that few can understand including Kaepernick.  I think the Syrian Bombers team is looking for a washed-up third string QB making $11MM . Good job for a man with dislike for America, Colin. Trump adjusts his immigration policy and Read the full article…