August/01/2013 5:51AM
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I was there when it all began. Just transferred to a new position in Detroit, I watched the city burn from a motel room in Southfield under curfew. It was 1967 and the riots had broken out. I was trying to convince my wife with a new baby that moving to Detroit was a good idea. Read the full article…

June/22/2013 9:00AM
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In 1974, Coleman Young was elected mayor of Detroit. He was the first African-American mayor of Detroit. Young had flirtations with the Communist Party but disavowed any real membership. When Young took over as mayor of Detroit the unemployment was 9%. When he left office in 1993 it had grown to 11%. When Young died the worst Read the full article…

March/19/2012 16:24PM
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We lived in the Detroit Metro area twice. First in 1968 and again in 1971. I was asked to take a promotion and a move to Detroit shortly before the riots broke out. We had a new baby and it was a good opportunity. My wife was watching Detroit burn while I was in curfew Read the full article…