April/24/2011 16:06PM
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Here’s the deal. We will have Obama’s version of Cap and Trade until Obama is gone. You want less manufacturing, more unemployment, higher utilities, no energy strategy that will work, and higher gas prices vote for Obama and his Democratic senators who support all this. The scorecard is plain. On April 8, the house passed Read the full article…

January/11/2011 16:36PM
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The Alaska Pipeline brings 620,000 barrels of oil a day to the West Coast. That’s about 9% of the total domestic production. There was a small spill of about 10 bbls. of oil contained in a pumping station. Right now, it’s a blip, but if the pipeline is down any length of time, it will Read the full article…

November/08/2010 17:13PM
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If you think Cap and Tax is dead and languishing in the Senate, you aren’t paying attention. Through regulation, the Obama team is implementing a version of Cap and Tax. Just look at today’s news stories. The auto industry is upset that they are expected to produce an average MPG of 60 plus in 2025. Read the full article…