April/27/2010 16:17PM
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Lindsay Graham is the Bart Stupak of the republican party. Facing political suicide he wrote this letter this week. Yesterday, Senator Graham sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid indicating that he would abandon his support for global warming energy tax legislation if the Senate leadership decided to move ahead first with comprehensive Read the full article…

March/27/2010 16:03PM
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First, he goes to the media and whines about how much pressure the Democrats are putting on him to vote for the health care bill. Says they are threatening an ethics probe if he doesn’t. Says he doesn’t care what they do, he is a man of principle and he will stand fast and keep Read the full article…

March/14/2010 16:28PM
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I’ve lived in Chicago the past 31 years. I’ve seen Chicago politics up close over that time. Those of you who voted for Obama should have known you were getting Chicago politics with that vote. You want proof, here it is. This is an interview with Bart Stupak, Democratic Congressman from Michigan. ‘They Just Want Read the full article…