You come to Arizona to campaign and insult our governor. A governor who has fixed all the damage your incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security broke using your progressive liberal policies as governor. You come here to take credit for jobs Governor Brewer created. You have a real talent for blaming others when things go wrong Read the full article…
This weeks new in Phoenix. An illegal immigrant collapsed on a basketball court and his American wife will not pull the plug. The hospital, with bills of $150,000 already told the wife. Pull the plug, take him to hospice, or take him to Mexico. Those are your choices. His health care in Mexico would be Read the full article…
I own two houses. One in Illinois and one in Arizona. Both have lower assessments than they had two years ago. The housing values have gone down both places. No surprise. That’s where the similarities end. In Illinois, despite the lower assessed value the tax bill is up 5%. In Arizona, the tax bill is Read the full article…