September/03/2010 16:12PM
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President Obama has done some very good work in his short 18 months in office. I’ll miss a few, but here are my highlights. You awakened the states by trying to cut them out of the political process. The evidence is the 20 states that plan to enact an Arizona immigration law and dare you Read the full article…

July/09/2010 16:38PM
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Charles is a handyman who does work for me at my Arizona house. Charles is the type of guy who can do anything with his hands. He does painting, he was a masonry contractor, he does electrical work, plumbing, works on cars, and is a carpenter. He was doing work on my house when Governor Read the full article…

May/24/2010 14:11PM
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First, an admission of poor reporting on my part. In yesterday’s blog, I took information sent by what appreared to be a reliable source who had vetted the information at face value. It was not correct. A reader Doug Gordon did the work I should have done. If I misled you about being taxed in 2011 Read the full article…