September/28/2010 16:10PM
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All my life I’ve believed there is no free lunch. Now, I know there is. The Wall Street bankers ate one on you and me. I hope you enjoyed buying as much as me. The so-called housing bubble was just a Ponzi scheme. Here’s how it worked in words even I can understand. First you Read the full article…

May/11/2010 14:27PM
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Just one week’s news and I can prove this headline. First, we are sending $50 billion to Greece to bailout their broken economy. President Obama, hypocrite extraordinaire, lectures Greece to restrain spending. Meanwhile, the Fed is buying Euros with our tax dollars. And, AIG is issuing credit default swaps. If you remember, you own most Read the full article…

May/24/2009 18:35PM
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This country thrives on righteous indignation. Water boarding three evil terrorists is a prime example. I have seen more public indignation in the past year than I’ve seen in my lifetime. The ACLU has a big case load. We are upset because Nancy Pelosi lied. We had near riots over the AIG bonus payments. Some Read the full article…