April/22/2013 11:35AM
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This is the story of Kermit Gosnell. Further, Planned Parenthood, which is funded by your tax dollars has argued to amend the laws to make Gosnell’s actions legal. Read both stories and decide whether you should keep funding Planned Parenthood. I’m very sensitive about this kind of crime. I have two twin granddaughter who were born Read the full article…

January/09/2012 16:18PM
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Take Action | Contribute Bill, President Obama promised that when he came to office, he would bring hope and change with him, and he has. He has brought hope to those wanting a radical expansion of government power and terribly damaging change to our Constitution. By making “recess appointments” while the U.S. Senate is NOT Read the full article…

May/26/2010 15:29PM
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Tired of the ACLU suing to defeat every cause you support or create one you don’t? Liberals give freely to the ACLU. They use the funds to do every possible damage to the country we love. No one group has done more damage in the past 40 years. Here’s an option. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010 Read the full article…