- Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Roy Blunt of Missouri - Richard Burr of North Carolina
- Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
- Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
- Susan Collins of Maine
- Kevin Cramer of North Dakota
- Michael D. Crapo of Idaho
- Deb Fischer of Nebraska
- Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
- Charles E. Grassley of Iowa
- John Hoeven of North Dakota
- Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
- Rob Portman of Ohio
- James Risch of Idaho
- Mitt Romney of Utah
- Dan Sullivan of Alaska
- Thom Tillis of North Carolina
- Roger Wicker of Mississippi
There they are. Nineteen Republicans who know full well that only 25% of this $1.2 trillion is infrastructure. It is not funded. The majority goes to the big blue cities. The states these turncoats represent will get chump change.

This is a disgrace and these nineteen Senators own it.