Liberal Crudeness

July/04/2021 8:43AM
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I have 16,500 followers on Twitter. It was 24,000 but after the January 6 tour of the Capitol conducted by the Capitol Police and the undercover FBI agents Twitter eliminated 7,500. I did nothing it was just an arbitrary decision by Twitter.

Most of my tweets get responses from fellow Conservatives. Twitter must have an equally arbitrary system for who gets to see tweets. But, occasionally a tweet triggers a liberal response. Very few would I choose to re-print here. Almost 100% involve a least one of the following: a lewd pornographic picture, a nasty death wish for me, a blatant lie, or ignorant misspelled poor grammar.

It begs the question. Are all liberals able to communicate only with angry, nasty poorly written statements or is it only those with qualities communicating and the rest are silent?

Here’s an example of a comment on this blog:

From: M.Aurelis at

Your premise is flawed.
Your worldview is selfish, and it can be categorically shown throughout your writing that you do not care about the next generation – or even your own peers for that matter.

You’re a sad man, who will be forgotten. It would have been better if UA232 had taken you in place of one of the deaths. The world would be spared from your hate.

Need I say more?

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Comment (1)

  1. MaryLou Rosemont says:

    I’ve had similar experiences with Facebook. One post that appeared on my feed mentioned pillows being ruined in the washing machine. I briefly mentioned that I like My Pillow brand because it can be safely thrown in the washer. The hateful responses that followed shocked me. A lot of them were directed toward Mike Lindell, but the most memorable of them was, “MaryLou Morrisson Rosemont should be thrown in the trash.” It was unbelievable to me that a perfect stranger would have this reaction in response to a pillow comment.

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