Not one NFL Player ran into the World Trade Center on 9-11.
Cops did.
Actually they mostly sent firefighters
71 cops died the the WTC that day
Kill yourself.
Congrats on getting the spelling correct. Amazing
Your and idiotic piece of shit
Spelling reflects a lot sir.
you sir are a dumb fuck
Work release is going well for you Brian?
When you can’t win the argument on the basis of your ideas, resort to name calling and profanity.
Hey Bill, Looks like a lot of people forgot to take their meds.
Looks as though you developed an interesting group of followers. Maybe they will gain something. Not likely.
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Actually they mostly sent firefighters
71 cops died the the WTC that day
Kill yourself.
Congrats on getting the spelling correct. Amazing
Your and idiotic piece of shit
Spelling reflects a lot sir.
you sir are a dumb fuck
Work release is going well for you Brian?
When you can’t win the argument on the basis of your ideas, resort to name calling and profanity.
Hey Bill, Looks like a lot of people forgot to take their meds.
Looks as though you developed an interesting group of followers.
Maybe they will gain something.
Not likely.