Don’t Trust the Media on Coronavirus Reporting

March/18/2020 10:24AM
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Arizona went from 18 cases to 21 yesterday. The local media made that a major story. Devoting 60% of their news to Coronavirus scare tactics. The governor of Arizona has not closed the bars and restaurants, but the mayor of Phoenix did. But, no mention of this.

Overall, the Chinese mainland has reported 80,894 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 3,237 deaths, with a vast majority in Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei province. While China still compromises the bulk of the world’s cases, that proportion is shrinking by the day as the epidemic appears to slow down in China and expand abroad, particularly in Europe.

Remember this guy?

ray nagin

Ray Nagin. Ray’s in prison now. Convicted of fraud. During Katrina, Ray, mayor of New Orleans, did nothing but appear on TV 10 times a day blaming Bush for everything. The media sold it.

Saw the Democrat Governor of Connecticut, Ned Lamont, doing his Ray Nagin imitation on TV last night. Claiming he furloughed 200 nurses because he has no test kits. Every Democrat politician from Governor Lamont to Biden to the local mayor is “Ray Nagin it” to try to do damage to Trump. The DNC must have sent out a game plan.

Tucker Carlson, went from reason to alarm last night.

One pundit said he would be surprised of schools opened in September. We all know how many ICU beds are available in this country. Allow me to repeat a fact:

Overall, the Chinese mainland has reported 80,894 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 3,237 deaths, with a vast majority in Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei province. While China still compromises the bulk of the world’s cases, that proportion is shrinking by the day as the epidemic appears to slow down in China and expand abroad, particularly in Europe.

There is a site, obviously never used by the US media, where you can go to get accurate data by country.

This gives you data by country to draw your own conclusions about the rate of spread of the virus.

Keep in mind the media gave us Ferguson, Mo.

Made a thug look like a pre-med student, destroyed a cop who defended himself, burned down part of a city, caused rioting for days, and made a university, the University of Missouri, known for the journalism school, a place where fewer students wanted to attend. From this we know there is no conscience or truth in journalism in this country today. It’s political, hates Trump, and is steeped in identity politics.

The Coronavirus is good for business for TV News. Ratings are through the roof. They need to feed the ratings monster and keep this going despite collateral damage like trillions in damage to the economy, people committing suicide, alcohol sales hitting all-time records, and millions out of work. Facts don’t matter, rating do. Political bias is job two. Getting Trump out of office.

So, turn off TV News, including Fox, and seek your own facts. Like, China and South Korea seem to be out of the woods in fairly short order. That should be reassuring.

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