Hunter Biden had a job on the board of Busisma paying $50,000 a month. Trump asked the new President of the Ukraine to look into possible corruption. The Democrat Party will file articles of impeachment for the action. The key question is Hunter Biden’s qualifications for this job. Here’s his resume.
Lunden Roberts, 28, just did a court-ordered DNA test proving “Baby Doe” gender not published is Biden’s child. This baby momma is an exotic dancer at Mpire Club just blocks from the White House. The impregnation occurred while Hunter was dating Halle Biden, 44, the widow of this late brother Beau, who died of brain cancer in 2015 at age 46. Roberts performed as “Dallas.” Guests at Mpire say Biden was a regular there. Just blocks away is Archibals’s a VIP club where Biden was accused of smoking crack last year while serving on that board at Burisma.
Court documents in Hunter’s divorce from his ex-wife court with whom he had three children say she accused him of ” spending extravagantly on his own interests including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Joe pulled strings to get Hunter waivers for Navy OCS despite his drug conviction when he was a teenager and being too old to be commissioned. Hunter rewarded his dad by being dismissed after testing positive for cocaine. He admitted to using cocaine as recently as 2016 when he said he purchased the drug from a homeless camp while in Los Angeles.
When Joe was asked about is sixth grandchild, “Baby Doe” on the campaign trail last week, Joe snapped back” No. That’s a private matter. You’re a good man. You’re a good man. classy.”
You and I are supposed to believe this life-long screw up, drug abuser since his days at Georgetown (wouldn’t you like to see those grades that got him in there)was selected by Burisma for this resume. That Joe didn’t get this done just like the pulled the strings for Georgetown and the Navy to get Hunter a few million for his train wreck of a life. we can see what a good idea that was for dad and son. Evidently the money just caused a divorce, went up Hunter’s nose, and made some strip clubs rich and a stripper pregnant.