Judge Napolitano is the Latest Biased Journalist

April/28/2019 9:59AM
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napolitanoJudge Andrew Napolitano is the latest DC scumbag who wanted favors and when he was denied he joined the ranks of McCain and Romney. Uses his bully pulpit at Fox News to trash President Trump,  the man who denied him a Supreme Court Nomination and a pardon he requested. He conjures up all sorts of inane legal arguments to suggest Trump has made some legal misstep or another. Then, the next hour, Alan Dershowitz corrects Napolitano’s legal mumbo-jumbo. Seldom right, never in doubt, it seems like a concerted effort to get even with the President of the United States for his snub.

This man was a judge. What sort of judge would carry a bias into his career and ignore the law and fabricate legal justifications to demean a President of this country? Trump would have been better served to nominate Judge Judy to serve on the Supreme Court. At least she’s not a weasel wording, hypocritical, sore-assed loser who dedicates himself to finding justifications to rule against a sitting President by showing his ignorance of the law. 

Alan Dershowitz is a liberal. He verifies Napolitano’s motives when he reverses the Judge’s legal opinions on everything Trump. It is very refreshing to see a man who lives by principle not a vindictive nature. Dershowitz should have been the judge and Napolitano the Harvard law professor. Better fit for each.   alan-dershowitz-150122-02

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Comment (1)

  1. Patricia Smith says:

    Bill, Thanks for clearing this up. I was wondering why Judge Napolitino was such a turncoat lately.

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