What this Country Needs Most is a ………..*

May/09/2017 8:30AM
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*Thomas Marshall is credited with this: Having glimpsed what lay deep in his character, the public looked differently at his humorous sayings, which took on significance from the sidelights they threw upon the man. His best-known remark was made apropos a speech in the Senate by Senator Joseph Bristow of Kansas. Mr. Bristow was telling what was the matter with the country and what the country needed. Apparently in Mr. Bristow’s view, the country was in a bad way and needed many things. Sitting in the Vice President’s rostrum, Mr. Marshall leaned over to Henry Rose, assistant clerk of the Senate.
“Henry,” he said, “what this country needs is a good five-cent cigar.”
The remark was widely published and Mr. Marshall was deluged with boxes of cigars.

Not a 5 cent cigar, but media choices for those who reject the ones we have. There is no reason why those of us who reject the political bent of the current people who control the media today can’t have options.

We are all sick to death of daily liberal propaganda spewing from every outlet. The media are driving the bogus hearings in Washington about Russian involvement in the election. We think our political leaders should be doing real work not being part of this ongoing soap opera to nowhere. The efforts to appeal ObamaCare, i.e. What a farce. We all know it’s failing. But, when Republicans try to fix it the media treats it like it’s the best thing for healthcare since penicillin. Not one media person supporting it has ever been on it or read one word about it, nor about the new proposal. They just say people will die if its’ repealed. Like the people were dying and still are under the VA plan run by our government.

Help may be on the way. Sinclair Broadcast Group( 173 stations in 81 markets) may acquire Tribune Media, which owns 42 stations reaching 24% of the public. Sinclair is a conservative group featuring Sharyl Attkisson who is the Bill O’Reilly of Sinclair. If the merger happens it will be good news for all of us who are unhappy with Fox and no other choice and bad news for the Murdoch brats who are trying to take Fox liberal.

It’s high time we got choices. There is noise that they are coming. They just can’t come soon enough. If you don’t watch or read the news, you are uninformed, if you do now, you are misinformed.

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