I don’t think our president, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, and Charlie Rangle have a clue about the ugly backlash they are creating in this country. The media is the primary culprit and they need to see what they are doing as well. I am truly concerned that the white response to all the nasty tensions over the two grand jury decisions are like an iceberg, hiding under the water. I spent an hour reading the comments sent in on a Facebook article about Rangle. The comments made by Rangle calling Tea Party supporters crackers were made in 2013, but whoever published this article neglected to mention that. Bringing this up now whipped up the latent tensions in certain people in the white community who are not buying the Sharpton line. The unmitigated ugliness in many of the comments are truly shocking.Hopefully all of this well go away and we can move on. If it doesn’t, you decide how bad this could get based on the hard feelings elicited by a year-old Rangle comment. I consider most of the comments totally repugnant but I did not edit them and wanted to show the tone of the responses to the Rangle comment. Stirring up these people who make these comments seems like a very bad idea. But, the media can’t resist doing just that.
- Dick Kachur I want the mental cripple to pay his f…in taxes.
- David F Grace I would like for him to pay his taxes too
- Matt Watts Speakin the truth my friend
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- David Cooper I prefer ” Saltine American” myself…
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- Roseann Stewart Love this
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- Jo Ann Hall Crackers????? Let’s cry racism. Isn’t that a racial slur,crackers??
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- Cathy Kumma Gilstrap OK, Rangel, when exactly were you a slave and who alive on this planet was your “master”?
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- Ken Davenport This guy is just another Race-Baiter, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan…..!!!!
- Roy Pitta Sr. Don’t forget Holder and Obama.
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- Kris Overstreet I didn’t hit none of you mf with a whip so fuk you kunta kentay lookn mf.
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- Maryann Dziak Russo Pay reparations for slavery? We are paying, and paying, and paying, it’s called welfare & entitlement without contributions!!!
- JR Swenson The Union Army’s shed blood is more than enough payment for freeing your ancestors from slavery. The current generation of blacks deserves nothing.
- Robin Knapp Marquez You know where the term slave came from…
.had nothing to do with the blacks. Slave came from the Romans for Slav meaning the Slavic people they captured and owned! The first slaves where WHITE! - John Cox White people dont go out and burn down their community because one of their own commits hidious crimes and gets what he had coming. I think Blacks need to pay for their sins and not be allowed to terrorize the rest of us and get away with it. This is the stupidest thing I have heard.
- John Cox I’m not a cracker I am pale vanilla.
- Gary Hollis We CRACKERS have been paying since the start of Welfare. I can make as stupid statements as this race baiter!
- Joanne Casserly Hey you slug of the earth! Pay our TAXES and stop ordering Prime Rib while these people riots! Living high off the hog, at their expense, aren’t you! You’re a PIG!
- Clyde Hayes I for one have committed no sins against anyone , therefore I will not pay for something someone else did … I pay my taxes Mr. Rangel , DO YOU ???
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- Dawndee Fox The half cracker in the white house should pay for causing all this division and go to jail
- Dodie Early Well if he’s going to go back that far he may as well just charge his own people in Africa who sold his ancestors into slavery.
- Jp Downs So it is alright for him to call us “Crackers” but not Ok to call him “Jungle Bunny”. Why?
- John Milligan Yeah he wants us crackers 2 pay for our sins but heaven forbid he doesn’t want to pay for his!
- Scott Weis If we do not remove these idiots by any means then we are all responsible for the damage they do
- Avon Kay Abram First slave owner was the black government in Africa
- Dorothy McMillan Well I want your people to shape up and take care of themselves, I’m referring to the ones who feel like we owe them something. Not to long ago there was a stupid settlement for “farmers” another ripoff. None of you have been slaves and none of us have ever owned slaves !!
- John Hague As A cracker, I think it’s time government freeloaders and racist like him start to pay us back for the billions spent trying, unsuccessfully, to bring his kind into modern society. After 50 years they still act like they’re in the jungle, witnessed by actions in Ferguson and across the country, and their lack of performance as caring families. This is just a smidgen of my accusations.
- Charles Danvers Wait, if we are crackers, does that make folks of dark skin, gram crackers? We are people (white/brow/black) not soup garnish.
- Lee Marteau Step 1: Get a strong rope. Step 2: Locate a sturdy tree, such as an oak or maple. Step 3: Lynch Rangel.
- Sharon Prevatte We din’t bring slaves here. Their own people brought them here. So shut-up.
- Thomas Ferrara He can start by paying his taxes. Does he not get censured for a racial slur.
- Theresa Hoyos Another racist cut from the same cloth as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Guess you and your cronies aren’t aware that whites didn’t enslave you. Black Africans enslaved other blacks, sold them at the slave markets in Egypt. Oh, bye the way, those slave markets still exist there. So, get your facts right and go after your black ancestors for enslaving and selling you at the market!!!
- Douglas Younts Here’s the deal Dummy! You start paying on your tax debt,I’ll start looking for people that owned slaves.
- Dolores Flanders Too stupid to even comment.
- Rick Birkholz I want a world without Rangel, sharp ton or Jesse Jackson’s
- Robin Knapp Marquez My mothers family were Irish so how about giving them money too. You know indentured servants.
- Tiffani Mills The Irish– The Forgotten White Slaves. My ancestors who were tortured and one of the first slaves.
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- Charlie Widner u sir are a idiot u need to study your history and you need to pay your taxes and qiut racebaiting you are a pos
- John Cox This from a tax evader
- Janice Sexton how come he can say cacker
- Nancy Roberts A real picture of ignorance.
- William Nelson I resent that..I’M A SALTINE AMERICAN…thank you.
- Belinda Overton I won’t give you a penny, BURNT CRACKER!
- Le Miller Idiocy spares no race, religion, political stance or age group.
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