Don’t Worry-Be Happy-Ebola is Under Control

October/24/2014 5:37AM
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This was published in June of 2014.

In cased you missed this Friday afternoon news dump:

“After potentially serious back-to-back laboratory accidents, federal health officials announced Friday that they had temporarily closed the flu and anthrax laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and halted shipments of all infectious agents from the agency’s highest-security labs.

The accidents, and the C.D.C.’s emphatic response to them, could have important consequences for the many laboratories that store high-risk agents and the few that, even more controversially, specialize in making them more dangerous for research purposes.

If the C.D.C. — which the agency’s director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, called “the reference laboratory to the world” — had multiple accidents that could, in theory, have killed both staff members and people outside, there will undoubtedly be calls for stricter controls on other university, military and private laboratories.

In one episode last month, at least 62 C.D.C. employees may have been exposed to live anthrax bacteria after potentially infectious samples were sent to laboratories unequipped to handle them. Employees not wearing protective gear worked with bacteria that were supposed to have been killed but may not have been. All were offered a vaccine and antibiotics, and the agency said it believed no one was in danger.

In a second accident, disclosed Friday, a C.D.C. lab accidentally contaminated a relatively benign flu sample with a dangerous H5N1 bird flu strain that has killed 386 people since 2003. Fortunately, a United States Agriculture Department laboratory realized that the strain was more dangerous than expected and alerted the C.D.C.

In addition to those mistakes, Dr. Frieden also announced Friday that two of six vials of smallpox recently found stored in a National Institutes of Health laboratory since 1954 contained live virus capable of infecting people.”

Memories in this country are short. Now it’s October of 2014 and this same clown act is assuring us they have the Ebola situation under control. Can you say VA hospitals, another Obama run medical group? Can you say ObamaCare rollout, another botched example of how this administration manages? Or, let’s try the Secret Service, how is that going?

It’s Enron all over again. When the man at the top is absent and chooses poor leaders from top to bottom bad things happen. In the private sector it sorts itself out, like Enron did. In the public sector there is no sorting mechanism. it rolls along and gets worse.

We, as a country, have learned that there is not word that emanates from our president’s mouth that we can believe. So has the rest of the world. From “I will close Gitmo” six years ago to “Ebola is not coming to America’s shores” two weeks ago, it’s all a scripted message from incompetent staff. Read from a Teleprompter by a robot who would rather be in front of a loving group of rich donors or on a golf course with doting friends who still see something the rest of the world is missing.” ISIS is the junior varsity. My own intelligence people did not tell me how bad they were when I wasn’t attending their briefings.” Do you really believe for one nanosecond that Obama has one clue about what his CDC is doing about controlling Ebola?

Don’t over-react to the Ebola scare. Your CDC is going to protect you led by the greatest leader in the free world, Nobel Prize winning Barack Obama. Plus a czar who is an attorney and a career political fixer who will do Obama’s job or that of the Surgeon General who hasn’t been named for months by the all too busy golfer, part-time president.

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