All Politicians Have Big Noses Because Air is Free

September/01/2014 5:38AM
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Polticians are said to have big noses because air is free:



We are growing sick of all of them and their scandalous lies. Pat Quinn, the Democratic governor of Illinois, is running for re-election against Bruce Rauner, a self-made millionaire. Quinn is being investigated on two fronts. First his $56 million dollar plan to reduce crime, which he instituted just before his last election, is looking a lot like an outright cash for votes program which was key to getting him re-elected. The Feds are subpoenaing e-mails from all of his top people. This is how it started with the two recent governors who went to prison. Also, the state’s inspector general found a preponderance of friends and family of Quinn working for the transportation department. Working is a loose term, meaning on the payroll, but not working.

Quinn’s attack ads against Rauner–he’s rich.

Obama is going after corporations that move headquarters overseas to reduce the tax bill. The same Obama who gave $1.7 billion in bailout money to Delphi Automotive to prop up their customer, GM. Delphi was, at the time ,and still is, headquartered in the UK saving $110 million a year vs. being headquartered in Troy, Michigan, where the CEO goes to work. Now, Obama wants to go after Delphi and all the other corporations who use this tax inversion option that Congress provided them.

Ferguson, Missouri was once home to lots of manufacturing. But, we hate manufacturing in this country, so no more. It’s the home of unemployment and poverty. Do the haters of manufacturing get any blame for that?

Many of those haters of manufacturing know that sinners will burn in eternal flame, but they still slip over and hump the neighbor’s wife. Instant gratification vs. long-term consequence.  But, that same sleazeball belongs to the Sierra Club because it’s hep to do so. He is not really worried about the long-term effect on the world’s environment any more than he is about the hell fires. He just wants to be part of the” in” crowd. No matter that all  of this overkill is the core reason we have many of the social problems we have today. The state of Illinois has approved fracking which would create many jobs for the people across the state line from Ferguson. But, the aforementioned governor just can’t get it going.

Coal plants close and utility bills go up for the poor. It is estimated that 10,000 coal miners in this country are now unemployed.   Screw them, that’s what Obama says. Can’t move oil from Canada and North Dakota by pipeline and trains must move it at higher prices. Obama won’t approve the pipeline and is now trying to stop the trains. Higher gasoline prices for the poor, screw them, says Obama.

Black unemployment is at near record highs under Obama. He preaches to us about the injustices of Ferguson. From the golf course.

We pile regulation on regulation and lawsuit on lawsuit when progress is attempted from the local to the state to the national level. Nothing happens. We wonder why.

Fracking happens despite politicians. Businessmen find ways to do business despite politicians. When a rare businessman decides to run for office, like Romney or Rauner, we say no, we’d rather have inexperienced, unethical,  lazy people in those offices, like Quinn and Obama. Meanwhile polls show the country has serious buyer’s remorse about not electing Romney.  Wise up people.

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