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August/17/2014 6:15AM
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In February of 2008, I wrote this blog.


Should Style Trump Substance?

DateTuesday, February 5, 2008 at 10:59PM

We had eight years of Bill Clinton with style and no substance. We had eight years of George W. Bush with neither style nor substance. He mumbled and stumbled every time he needed to speak. He never got better. He did Dad’s bidding and finished the job Dad left undone in Iraq. That’s it. No more. He hadn’t insulted us enough, so he tried to lease key ports to Dubai then fired Rumsfield the day after he turned the house and senate over to the Democrats. He increased the size of government raised the deficit and destroyed the dollar. Wow George, that’s quite a job. Wait, on the way out let’s wreck the economy.

Now we have a love affair with Obama. Is it no wonder? The man can speak, he can answer questions,and he can look smooth in the process. This is another credit we can give W. We are so desperate as a county to have someone we can be proud of as president, we don’t even care about experience, credibility, platform, or anything else that pertains to substance. We are willing to put a socialist in as president if he makes good speeches.

Thanks to George, today I believe style does trump substance. We will elect Obama, then try to survive four years while government grows, taxes increase, health care is socialized, business is taxed for the good of illegal aliens, and all those wonderful dreams we had while intoxicated by Obama’s charm are shattered as we see how really ill prepared he is for the job.

I was part of an organization where style trumped substance. It’s gone. A $40 Billion dollar company, gone. All senior people were clones of the main man. None had ever gotten results, just looked good trying. Diversity was more important than meeting profit goals. Excuses were well explained. It’s what happens when glib is God. Better strap it down, the USA may be headed for another four years of not getting anything done.

Now the country suffers from buyer’s remorse. We could have had a president who was an honest man with true business experience who might have worked with Democrats as he did as goverrnor. Instead we got a president who doesn’t work, period. Will our next mistake be to elect our first female persident, just to say we did?
Frankly, we suck at hiring good help in this country.
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