Fat Obnoxious Hypocrite

August/02/2014 5:14AM
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The man pictured below, often seen at the Democratic National Convention, is the epitome of a hypocrite. Like Hillary and all their Hollywood friends they portray themselves as anti-capitalists while living lavish lifestyles and burning energy at record rates. Will the public ever grow tired of these acts?


Michael Moore, Longtime Wife Split in Acrimonious Divorce

The celebrity Michigan couple reportedly bickered over renovations costs to a luxurious mansion, dubbed “the house that Roger built” after Moore made millions on “Roger & Me” and other movies criticizing capitalism.

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Michigan natives Michael Moore and his longtime wife, Kathy Glynn, split in a messy divorce. (Photo: Getty Images)
Michigan natives Michael Moore and his longtime wife, Kathy Glynn, split in a messy divorce. (Photo: Getty Images)

The split was finalized Tuesday in Antrim County Circuit Court in Bellaire, not far from the celebrity couple’s mansion in Traverse City, The Detroit News reports.

A settlement reached Tuesday means the couple, who met during Moore’s days at the muckraking Flint Voice and whose fathers worked together on a General Motors auto assembly line, won’t have to publicly air their dirty laundry. They separated in 2010.

Moore, 60,  accused Glenn, 56, of expanding the couple’s $2 million, 10,0000-square-foot Torch Lake home, at five times the amount she said it would be.

The lake property, one of nine properties the couple owned in Michigan and New York, was big even by tony Traverse City standards and was a party spot frequented by Madonna, Bruce Willis and Kid Rock.

Some called the mansion “the house that Roger built,” because Moore made millions in his first feature-length documentary, “Roger & Me” chronicling the decision by then General Motors CEO Roger Smith’s decision to shutter the plant at Flint, resulting in the loss of 30,000 jobs.

In 731 documents filed in the proceedings, Moore demanded that Glenn produce all documents from a private investigator he believes she filed, and claimed that his now former wife snooped in his emails and other private messages.

Moore’s lavish lifestyle – he has a net worth of $50 million, according to CelebrityNetWorth.com – raised eyebrows among the conservative Traverse City area residents, who said Moore protrayed himself as a common man, but made millions criticizing capitalism.

“He criticizes capitalism, but capitalism made him rich, Gary Tracy, owner of Bellaire Bait and Tackle told The Detroit News. “Why he decided to live in this conservative area, I have no idea.”

“He is not a common man,” added another resident, Nancy Schwalm. “No way.”

» Read the full story on detroitnews.com

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