Another $30 Billion Blown by Obama

October/17/2013 5:55AM
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The rollout of ObamaCare has been plagued by problems these past two weeks, as thousands complained they couldn’t sign up for coverage due to a deeply defective website.

We know how much Kathleen Sibelius blew on contractors to set up the ObamaCare website that doesn’t work and never will work. And, Kathleen will keep her job.

But, that’s a pittance compared to the money she has blown trying to set up the EMR Program. The Electronic Medical Records Progam that is supposed to be central to the success of ObamaCare success.

Here is an update on this from Breitbart.

“But this process could have been easier if a nine-year, government-backed effort to set up a system of electronic medical records had gotten off the ground. Instead of setting up their medical ID for the first time, would-be customers would have their records already on file.

Unfortunately for patients — and taxpayers — the long-running project has produced tangibly few results despite costing the government, so far, at least $30 billion.

Under a George W. Bush-era executive order, all Americans should have access to their medical records by the end of 2014, part of a concept referred to as e-health. President Obama then made electronic medical records (EMRs) central to the success of the Affordable Care Act

Health care IT providers were tasked with creating a system connecting patients, health care professionals, hospitals, laboratories and medical facilities. But despite being paid vast incentives by the government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), they’ve dragged their feet.

Doctors have so far received $14 billion in sweeteners, and hospitals have been handed more than $16 billion. Officials indicate that incentives could eventually reach $45 billion, though there is no universally integrated system anywhere in sight.”

Obama wants you to blame Republicans for shutting down the government. When you read something like this does a government shutdown sound so bad?

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