The Case for Tax Reform

April/23/2013 6:26AM
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Do your elected officials work for you or do they work for tax attorneys and CPA’s? Is H&R Block more important than your vote?

Another April 15th has come and gone without tax reform. Not Obama tax reform, which means raising taxes under the guise of tax reform, but true tax reform. Reforming a tax code that is over 4 million words. Not making the 4,680 changes that have been made since 2001 to contribute to the creation of those 4 million words and make it more complicated, but true reform. Something that will reduce the 6.1 billion hours that are spent each year to file taxes in this country. Something that would reduce the $168 billion that  is spent to comply with the tax code. Having the highest corporate taxes in the OECD world isn’t enough, let’s also have the more complex tax code.

No one is talking real tax reform in Washington. Why, they don’t work for you. They do work for the tax lawyers and CPA’s. Rest assured unless you really get angry and make it an issue, the tax code will be 5 million words in 5 years. My postage to mail my taxes this year was $11.50. First class mail.

You see, as long as there are committees in Washington to work on the tax code there will be more added to the code. As long as a more complex code creates more government jobs, the code will get more complex. There is no one in Washington that would simplify the code so much that thousands of IRS employees would be no longer needed.  Just as there is no tort reform in ObamaCare due to the trial lawyers, there will be no simpler tax code due to tax lawyers. Lawyers don’t shoot their own. Since we elect lawyers to serve us in Washington, we get what we deserve. Complexity and the cost that comes with that complexity.

Only when you get so angry you can’t take it anymore will tax reform happen. Sadly, that won’t be in my lifetime.

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