Medicare Advantage Cover Up

October/21/2012 16:33PM
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I’m going to make this short and sweet. ObamaCare guts Medicare Advantage. You would learn that before the election, but Obama doesn’t want you to find that out until after the election. The $200 billion that is pulled out of Medicare Advantage is real.

The Department of Health and Human Services has a little “demonstration project” to reward the most effective Medicare Advantage plans. It’s a little $8.3 billion slush fund.

Sebelius is using the slush fund to delay the kick off date to start the cuts in Medicare Advantage. The documents identifying the sources and uses of the slush fund have been requested by the House Oversight Committee. They have refused. Now a subpeona has been issued.

Will Sebelius be the next member of the Obama cabinet to be found in contempt of congress?

More importantly, is there any line the Obama team won’t cross to win the election?

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