Suzanne Barr, a high-ranking member of the Department of Homeland Security ,resigned this week amid a new scandal in the Obama administration.
In one complaint, Barr is accused of telling a male subordinate he was “sexy” and asking a personal question about his anatomy during an office party. In a separate complaint, she is accused of offering to perform a sex act with a male subordinate during a business trip in Bogota, Colombia. She’s also accused of calling a male subordinate from her hotel room and offering to perform a sex act. The names of two of Barr’s accusers were censored in affidavits reviewed by AP.
Homeland Security’s office of professional responsibility and inspector general have been investigating the allegations.
Add this to the growing list of scandals. First, the Secret Service had their little issue with underpaying hookers. Then the GSA was exposed for their lavish parties, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Here’s the list from “The Week”.
. The Secret Service prostitution mess…
“One Secret Service scandal in Colombia, by itself, will not undermine Obama’s re-election chances,” says Kyle Wingfield at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. But if the list of “known scandals grows much broader or deeper or seedier, at some point some voters may conclude their government isn’t being well-run. And that could only be bad news for an incumbent who promised competence in government, and who will be opposed by a managerial businessman-turned-politician in Mitt Romney.”
2. …Combined with the General Services Administration mess
So what makes the Colombia fiasco potentially harmful is that it comes as Americans are still digesting another bombshell, says Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post, “the lavish spending of the General Services Administration on a wild Las Vegas retreat.” Romney is already “starting to ramp up his rhetoric on the subject,” suggesting that he’d be more forceful in keeping his bureaucrats in line. “I’d clean house,” the presumptive GOP nominee told conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham.
3. Alleged sexual hijinks at the Baghdad embassy
A “State Department gadfly,” foreign service officer Peter Van Buren, dropped another potentially embarrassing “bombshell” this week, says Michael Hastings at Buzzfeed. Van Buren — who’s locked in a “protracted legal battle with Foggy Bottom over the publication of his memoir, We Meant Well” — suggested on his personal blog that another potential scandal is in the offing for the administration. “What if a video existed that showed a prominent State Department VIP on the roof of the Republican Palace in Baghdad receiving, um, pleasure of an oral nature from another State Department officer?”
4. The “Fast and Furious” gun-running fiasco
“Republicans can bring the campaign war to American’s television sets,” says Thomas Grier at The Daily Caller, by shining a spotlight on the “Fast and Furious” scandal at the Justice Department. The DOJ’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives came under fire in early 2011 for pushing gun shops to sell weapons to “straw” buyers who were funneling guns to Mexican drug gangs. The ATF’s goal was to trace the weapons to the upper echelons of Mexico’s deadly drug cartels, but the botched sting ended in the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent and the shootings of some 200 Mexican civilians. “Of all the myriad scandals of the Obama administration,” this one is the worst, and “bloodiest,” says David Limbaugh at News Busters.
5. The Solyndra boondoggle
Republicans have also “attempted to capitalize on the failure of Solyndra,” says Felicity Carus at PV Tech. Congress is still investigating the case, that involved a $535 million Department of Energy loan to the now-defunct solar-panel manufacturer. Although Solyndra filed for bankruptcy last September with little to show for the huge investment, a recent survey suggests that the GOP’s “attempt to use the Solyndra story to political advantage has failed to achieve the effect desired.” Republicans who accuse Obama of reckless spending are ticked off about Solyndra, but the rest of the American public increasingly sees solar energy, which Obama was pushing with the Solyndra loan, as “a no-brainer.”
The Solyndra mess is just the tip of the iceberg on Dr. Chu’s investment portfolio. Before it’s over the entire $50 billion he passed out will all be lost.
It’s a leader’s responsibility to set the tone for behavior in the organization. In most of these cases there was little media coverage and almost no disciplinary action from the president.
Poor Suzanne Barr, she was obviously lonely and sexually frustrated. Chasing employees at work is usually a guy thing. In today’s world it seems gender neutral. Have to give the guys credit for blowing the whistle and not letting her blow their whistles.
There’s an old joke about attorneys. The CEO of a drug company announced at a staff meeting that they had replaced the lab rats with attorneys from their law department. When asked why, he responded ” there are more of them, you grow less attached, and there are a few things even lab rats won’t do.”
The ICE employees can be grateful for at least one thing. It could have been worse. This might have been soliciting sex from them: