Rahm Emanuel Pledges To Ban Chick-Fil-A From Chicago
The unemployment rate in the city of Chicago is approximately 9.8 percent, well above the national average. Since Monday night, one 17-year-old boy has been shot and 13 others have been wounded in shootings across the city. And that’s just the most recent wave of shootings to plague the city – dozens more have been shot over the last few weeks.
And Mayor Rahm Emanuel is taking action: he’s banning Chick-Fil-A.
The fast-food chicken restaurant has come under increasing fire from major Democratic politicians including Emanuel and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, both of whom have pledged to keep the dreaded chain from poisoning the minds of their constituents. Said Emanuel: “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents. This would be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”
What exactly did Chick-Fil-A do to “disrespect” its neighbors? The president of the company, Dan Cathy, gave an interview in which he stated, “We don’t claim to be a Christian business … [Christianity] is about a personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are. But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be.” And he added with regard to the company’s support of WinShape Foundation, “That morphed into a marriage program in conjunction with national marriage ministries.” Does the company support the traditional family? Said Cathy, “guilty as charged … We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit ….”
Chick-Fil-A has not turned away a single gay customer because the customer was gay. Chick-Fil-A has not discriminated against either employees or customers. But Democrats want to shut them down anyway, because they don’t stay silent on the issue of same-sex marriage. Dan Savage, founder of the Obama-endorsed It Gets Better anti-bullying campaign, has already taken to Twitter to try to define the term “Chick-Fil-A” as a form of anal sex – just as he did with Rick Warren and Rick Santorum when they failed to endorse same-sex marriage. This is bullying at its worst. And it shows the desperation of Democrats who will do anything – anything – to misdirect public attention from their dramatic policy ineptitude.
From me:
This is an extension of “you didn’t build that business” from Dead Fish’s former boss. When a very, very small percentage of the population demanding gay marriage can control whether a business can build in a city like Chicago or Boston, we are in serious trouble. It shows the anti-business cancer existing in Democratic politics. They see the government as the business of our country and extend their version of political correctness and politics to business people. There is no limit to the means they will go to in pursuit of their votes from their special interest constituents.
If someone took a poll of the people in Chicago who favor gay marriage, it might surprise Rhambo. He, like Obama, might realize most African Americans don’t. It would be like the Dixie Chicks trashing Bush and Bush banning the Dixie Chicks from singing in this country. Funny thing, the market took care of the Dixie Chicks. Let the market take care of Chick-Fil-A.
Emanuel said” Chick-Fil-A doesn’t share Chicago’s values.” He’s right, the CEO wouldn’t condone seeing more young people murdered in one weekend than all those killed in a movie theater in Colorado. He wouldn’t agree with dozens of aldermen incarcerated for stealing from the people, and he wouldn’t even agree with the antisemitism you tolerate from Louis Farrakhan. I’ll take his values over Chicago values any day.
Gotta go. I’m headed to the new Chick-Fil-A to get a fresh sandwich.