You Paid $20 Million to Promote ObamaCare

May/23/2012 16:15PM
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A new $20 million Obamacare public relations campaign to simply tell Americans to stay healthy is coming under heavy GOP fire as a propaganda effort to prop up the embattled health reform law and the president.
“I’m calling on the president to cancel this contract,” said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo. “The American public want real solutions to problems of health care–not more press releases and propaganda paid for with their taxpayer dollars,” added the medical doctor who chairs the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
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Ohio Sen. Rob Portman added, “There is no justification for wasting $20 million in taxpayer dollars on an advertising blitz for the president’s health care spending law.” The A-list GOP vice presidential possibility added, “With Washington nearly $16 trillion dollars in debt, the American taxpayers should not be asked to fund ad campaigns defending a law that only deepens the spending hole we’re in.”
Blogger Bill Robertson adds: I made a mistake on my 2011 taxes. I missed an estimated payment. I got a little note from the IRS advising me I had ten days to remit or penalties would begin. I got this the same day I got the news that my remittance would be going to promote Obamacare. I’m so happy to help the president sell a plan that over 60% of Americans dislike. Somehow, it feels like a campaign contribution.
No wonder we all are disgusted by all politicians and for me the man who can’t lead anyone is at the top. We need to get him out of office as soon as possible. Before he destroys this country.  
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