Eight States Where Companies are Hiring

February/12/2012 19:02PM
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Gallup did a poll to determine where companies are hiring.

To develop the Job Creation Index, Gallup asked those surveyed whether companies are hiring or letting employees go. While the national score reflects that most states believe employers are hiring, 24/7 Wall St.’s analysis suggests that self-reporting by workers may not perfectly align with reality.

These states are not experiencing the greatest recoveries — including in employment — as they have little to recover from. The states’ strong economies may be affecting their residents’ perception of the economy. Five of the eight states on this list are among the top nine states on another recent Gallup poll ranking states’ confidence in the national economy. Those who live in states that are doing well see the entire country as doing well.

The majority of states where high percentages of workers reported job creation also have extremely low unemployment rates to begin with. Six of the eight states have among the 10 lowest unemployment rates in the country. North Dakota, the state where the largest share of workers reported that their employers are hiring, has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.

And while unemployment rates are low, the majority of these states have had relatively low unemployment rates for some time. Most did not have particularly impressive improvements in unemployment last year. Other than Utah and West Virginia — the only states with exceptionally large drops in unemployment — the rest have had low unemployment rates since 2006 and throughout the recession.

Housing markets in most of the states where respondents believe jobs are plentiful also have been stable. Seven of the eight states on the list are among the 15 markets that suffered the least from the third quarter of 2006 to the third quarter of 2011. Five of the states actually experienced increases in home prices over this period.

These are the eight states where workers say companies are hiring

#8: South Dakota: Home prices are up 4.4% since the housing market crashed and unemployment is 4.2%.

#7: West Virginia: Home prices are up 0.1% and unemployment is 2.9%.

#6: Indiana: Home prices are down 5.2% and unemployment is 9% but dropping.

#5. Nebraska: Home prices are down 2.2% and unemployment is 4.1%.

#4: Utah: Home prices are down 16.2% and unemployment is 6.0%.

#3: Oklahoma: Home prices are +3.5% and unemployment is 6.1%.

#2: Iowa: Home prices are +0.4% and unemployment is 8.2%.

#1. North Dakota: Home prices are +16.8% and unemployment is 3.3%.

One other little fact. These are red states. No blue states are showing this kind of progress. Want to fix the economy, just eliminate all the blue states by continuing the trend of replacing those Democrats with Republicans.

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