The prediction from my September 10,2010 blog has come to pass. Dr. Chu will not survive Solyndra. There may be illegal activity. A law may have been changed specifically to accomodate the fateful loan to Solyndra that put investors ahead of taxpayers. Under duress from the White House, Chu stepped up the investments after the September blog. He poured billions into green energy. There will be more failures, more than sucesses. It’s a case of wrong man, wrong job. It’s a case of trying to spend fast rather than smart. It should insure a president only serves one term. Chu may take the bullet for Obama, but it’s Obama’s deal. He needs to answer to taxpayers for his bad judgment. Mainstream media will give him a pass. Will voters?
Green Jobs
September 10th, 2010 Let me make this clear. The favorite phrase of the bobble head president as he reads those words so well from his teleprompter. Finger pointing. Dripping with stern sincerity. This man must be giving us the truth as gospel. Green jobs are the future of America. In the next few years we will create millions of new green jobs. Let me make this clear.
When I heard the great Doctor Chu, fellow Nobelist of the great President Obama, was named to head the DOE, I questioned the call. When I heard he had $50 billion to spend on green energy, I questioned whether he could spend that budget. Not that Chu can’t give millions to fellow academicians to waste, he can and is. He probably has never managed a budget greater than a few million. He is an academic equivalent of a community organizer. Zero real world experience.
To spend $50 billion on new energy options in a year one has to be really organized. No one in Silicone Valley can come up with $50 billion in worthy new ventures for capital investment in a year. They just aren’t out there. If you go too fast you get sloppy and invest in bad ideas.
Thank God for Chu’s ineptitude. He has spent roughly $6 billion of the $50 billion.
This explains why the great campaigner goes to a little plant in Wisconsin that makes very few batteries for electric cars to showcase his green jobs success. There is no success. And, unless Chu throws the money down the rat hole, there will be none.
The ignorance of the public allows the perpetrators of green jobs to succeed. We want alternatives to oil. We have been told by every president since Jimmy Carter that they are out there. We have allowed billions to be spent of a useless Department of Energy and investments in failures. It may be cheaper to cure cancer than create green jobs.
Still with incessant pounding by the inane mainstream media, we keep buying the snake oil.
Chu’s excuse for not spending more. He doesn’t have enough people So we will hire a few more government workers, over pay them, over benefit them, keep them for life, let them not show up for work, and help Chu spend his $50 billion.
You see the problem. It’s not Obama, it’s not Chu, it’s you. You keep buying this baloney. Until you say enough, the charade will go on.
Want a sample of what type of people we have making critical decisions in Congress today? Go to the link, below.
Tags: Dr. Chu, Green Jobs, obama, take out the trash
Posted in best conservative blogs, political commentary, Tea Party Member | 2 Comments »
2 Responses to “Green Jobs”
Ervin Pietsch says:
September 15, 2010 at 6:45 am
I was talking to a person at the National Forest Service over Labor Day, and he said there are more trees in America today than when Columbus arrived. The reason being nobody put out fires before Columbus discovered America, and the Indians burnt the plains and forest to clear land to grow crops. One other fact people don’t understand there is no elments on earth today that were not here millions of years ago, except for something coming from outer space. If someone wants to make a green job then they should paint their house green. That will do more good than what the goverment in doing.
rememberwethepeople says:
September 16, 2010 at 12:45 am
Green Jobs…Why don’t we ask Spain how thats working out for them. For every 1 job created 2 jobs lost.
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Obama is Just Inept
September 9th, 2010 A favorite pastime today is to analyze President Obama. You hear words like megalomaniac, narcissist, egomaniac,duplicitous, socialist, progressive, detached, unhappy, and others too numerous to mention.
My choice is just inept.
Who else could take the equivalent of a million dollar education and turn it into a community organizer job? Who else would surround himself with fools? Even Bush had Cheney as his puppet master.
What is it with the people who go to all the right schools? Most of them end up like Obama, inept.
In a nation that was once known as the can do country, we now have a president who is a can’t do man. He can’t do anything. Can’t close Gitmo. Can’t grasp the tone of the country and continues to do big things that go against the grain of the public. His only solution for every problem is spend more. This week it’s $50 billion for highways. Next week it’s tax cuts for small business, followed by bigger tax increases for those same small businesses when he let’s the Bush tax cuts expire in January. After he scattered $800 billion in the wind in the first stimulus package, why would he think anyone would buy a second?
Ever supervise a person who went to all the right schools? I’ve had one or two too many. They all suffer from the same issues. They go into the real world believing their ticket is punched. They proved their value in ivy covered walls. They, or someone paid, thousands to get that ticket punched. Now, it’s all downhill with the wind at their back.
Funny in the real world there is expectations too. You get graded on how you perform. Most of them don’t or can’t. Far too many are inept, just like Obama. Take the sheepskin away and they can’t compete with the guy or girl from Slippery Rock. Guess that’s why there are few ivy leaguers in the NFL.
Peel back the onion and America should be ashamed that we put an inept person in high office. Someone needs to go around the world an apologize for our president.
He is no more or less inept that most of the politicians in Washington, just average. But, it may be OK for Joe Schmoo, Congressman from Kokomo to be inept, but we need less ineptitude at the top of the house. Plus, after the November elections, Joe Schmoo will be going back to Kokomo and we’ll still be saddled with Obama.
No one has ever done more damage to this country than our inept president has in a mere 20 months. We must a better process for screening out ineptitude in candidates.
We can’t afford another Obama.
Tags: obama
Posted in best conservative blogs, political commentary, Tea Party Member | No Comments »
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