A One-Woman Jobs Wrecking Crew

November/06/2011 16:07PM
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When Obama named Lisa Jackson to head the EPA those of us who have had to deal with the EPA in the past predicted the outcome. With a free reign to implement Cap and Trade without congressional approval Jackson would overreach and create job losses.

Here’s her tally, per the Wall Street Journal. A total of 9 million jobs lost by Jackson’s actions. Ozone rules(7.3 million, power plant rules(1.4 million, a boiler rule(789,000), a coal-ash rule(316,000, and a cement rule(23,000). Nice work Ms. Jackson.

As her carnage is being tallied, a President who is suddenly touting his big jobs program on the campaign trail, has forced her to back off. Too little, too late. These jobs aren’t coming back. High paying, union jobs eliminated by the President and party that looks after the working man.

Obama, stepping up to the plate for what may be the first time in his 3 years in office, now says, he, and he alone, will make the decision on the Keystone Pipeline. The line that will bring secure Canadian crude to the Gulf Coast refineries. A project that will create high-paying union jobs here in America. Put the steel mills on overdrive, the trucking and rail industries in high gear, and sell heavy equipment.

Has Obama learned anything from Jackson’s actions? We know where Jackson is on this project. We know where Obama’s environmental friends are on the project. Not because the pipeline itself presents a real environmental threat. There are millions of miles of underground pipe across America, some in the very area where this pipe will go. No, because those environmentalists are against the Canadian crude production and the process to produce that crude. Seems like a Canadian issue, not ours. It has been a big boon to the Canadian economy, which is much better that ours.

Watch carefully to see Obama’s decision on this. Is his election better served by his blue collar union friends and jobs in America, or his environmental votes?

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