Looking for something to laugh about these days gets harder. For the most part, we have to laugh at things we should get angry about to find humor.
Like, heh, did you hear about the lifeguard in California who made over $200,000 last year?
Or, that we paid $24 billion is stimulus money to contractors who owe more than $750 million in back taxes?
Or, that in Illinois, prison employees have filed more than 500 work comp claims in 3 years and collected more than $10 million in compensation. Mostly due to repetitive work syndrome from opening and closing cell doors. Not funny enough, hold on. The newspaper that exposed this scandal was stopped from getting information by the agency that handles worker’s comp. The attorney general of Illinois advised the agency that they must disclose information to the newspaper. The agency sued the attorney general to block her ruling. How funny is that? Your tax dollars, or at least mine, since I live in Illinois are going to sue the state’s attorney general by a state agency. All, while the governor snores.
Speaking of prisons, the Supreme Court ruled that California must deal with their prison overcrowding problem. Must be due to the state prison bureau not having any money to build new prisons, right? No, it’s due to the bureaucracy in California causing it to take years to get permits for a new prison. Maybe the Supreme Court should rule on that. You can’t tie up permits for years just because someone doesn’t want a new prison nearby.
A Democrat was elected to Congress in NY is a district that has always been a Republican stronghold. She beat the republican candidate for one of two reasons. One, she attacked the Ryan Medicare plan, which the republican candidate supported. You know, the one where all of us on Medicare get protection that the money will be there and people under 55 will get the cash to buy their own plans, like members of congress get now. But, the winner supports ObamaCare which will take $500 billion out of Medicare and insure most doctors won’t touch a Medicare patient, like me. Or, the other reason was the third candidate who ran as a Tea Party candidate even though he has never supported one tea party tenet and has been a life-long democrat. Pretty funny, eh? A solid republican candidate loses an election because of lies. The winner lied about the Ryan plan, like all democrats are doing today. And, the third candidate lied about everything.
Now that I’ve had my laughs for the week, I feel better.