The President said we need to invest in education, infrastructure, green energy, and health care.
Here are the real data: Increases in budgets between 2008 and 2010.
Education: up 116%
Transportation: up 40%
Transit spending: up 60%
Department of Energy: up 81%
Housing: up 84%
Before Obama, Bush added 32% to infrastructure, education, and R&D budgets. Bush signed a $284 billion highway bill.
Have you seen a jump in jobs from this Obama strategy? Why would you go back to failed efforts and make this the centerpiece of your big State of the Union Message?
Here’s the Obama history. Create a hostile business climate like the one that ruined California. Bigger government like the one that ruined the Soviet Union. Green energy like the one that ruined Spain. An unprofitable infrastructure like the one that ruined Japan. Gin up a huge national debt like the one that ruined Greece. Have a big socialized medicine plan like the one that ruined Massachusetts.
It’s simple, pick any loser and Obama is for it and will spend every dollar he can to support that loser.