Big Oil’s Best Friends are Democrats in Office

June/12/2008 18:16PM
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Democrats in congress point the finger at Republicans and accuse them of being in cahoots with Big Oil. Bush and Cheney are the worst. Every Republican must be for Big Oil otherwise they would not have blocked the proposed windfall profits tax, right?

The best friends Big Oil has are the very people who call them in every few months to beat them up in public. A small price to pay for the favors Durbin and his boys are doing for them. 

Let me ask you, who has done more to drive the price of oil up more in the last 20 years than the democrats? No one, not OPEC, not China, not India, and not the republicans.

Democrats have put all of America’s energy options off limits to Big Oil. This has done more to drive up oil prices than anything in play today. Most other options are also off limits to Big Oil since foreign governments where the oil is located do not allow private business access to their oil. 

If the untapped oil in America had been made available as well as the alternatives for oil given access(nuclear, shale, tar sands, coal), the price of oil would not be $130 a barrel. It would probably be half that. The billions you have paid to other countries would not have been paid. The billions of windfall profits the Big Oil companies have made would be much less. 

So, please Big Oil, the next time Durbin calls you in to another public whipping for the benefit of air time and reelection, remember your manners and thank Dick and the boys for all they have and will continue to do for you. No one does it better than elected official in the USA.

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