You Are Not Free to Move About the Country

April/18/2008 11:10AM
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Code Blue, the airlines are dying. The first casualties of Al Gore’s trip to the promised land. High jet prices are choking them out. Some will survive, maybe, but most will die. What does that mean for my grandchildren and their lifestyle?

As a kid when we went on vacation, we went by car. Only business people and uber rich flew. I took my first flight for business. My kids took most vacations by car when they were little. As they got older and air costs got more reasonable, we took flying vacations. None of my six grandkids have ever taken a car trip longer than 200 miles. 

We have begun to believe in America that it is a God given right to fly around and enjoy all of our great country. It has been a great run. In Europe, which is about the size of Texas, they go by train a lot. Have you ever taken Amtrac? Try it. My brother did. You don’t go and arrive on time and you get treated worse than the bums who used to ride the freights when I was a kid. Remember, your government runs Amtrac. Been to the post office lately?

So how do my grandkids see America when only the uber rich and business people can afford air travel? They probably won’t. There are five in one household and they won’t be able to have a vehicle that all of them can fit into. It will be ten years before we have any kind of decent rail alternative in the US. By then they will be grown.

Did Big Al tell you this was one of the sacrifices we would have to make as a country to buy into his deal? Probably not. How will Big Al travel when my grandkids can’t? Same way he does now. Take the limo to the tarmac where his private jet is parked, drive up to the ramp, get in and go. He’s made enough selling Americans the plan to economic destruction that he will never have to give up air travel. Frankly, he will not give up anything, but you are already losing the great freedom to fly around and see our beautiful country. Sorry.

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Comments (3)

  1. Ken Dozier says:

    Welcome back Bill, unfortunately, nothing has changed except the price of crude, which continues to set all time records.

    I am still perplexed at how we as a nation have not stood up and screamed about our energy situation. The Tree Huggers are wining the battle and we keep paying the price at the pump, which is impacting the rest of our economy. Almost everything we purchase is being impacted by the rapidly escalating energy prices and for the life of me, I can’t understand why this is not the number one issue being discussed and acted upon?

    It’s like know one cares or think this situation too will pass, but as you point out, the wheels are in motion and we can only expect this situation will have to get much worse and our entire world comes crashing down. Only then will people wake up.

    We can not blame Big Oil for what is happening, its’ us for not saying enough is enough and voting out the Liberals and their misguided environmentalist who are destroying our way of life.

  2. Bill Robertson says:

    Ken, it won’t happen until it’s too late. Fortunately, it will happen first in California, which is already broke.

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