Westinghouse Corporation built most of the atomic energy plants in the US.
When CBS, the Liberal Network, bought Westinghouse the nuclear division was sold to British Nuclear Fuels. British then sold it to Japan, which is building five plants for China. China is using Westinghouse technology to build four new plants.
Steve Mufson, Washington Post staff writer , in an extensive article on nuclear power, reports”about nine necessary nuclear power plant components, including giant pressure vessels and steam generators, can be made only by a Japan Steel Works facility(formerly Westinghouse Nuclear). Some of these parts have a six-year lead time.”
So, the best alternative to beef up our capacity to generate electricity in a clean fashion is not immediately available even if we tried to fast track it. Instead of refineries on military bases, nuclear power plants make more sense. We can run cars on electricity, buses, trains, taxis, etc. Even tractors. But, should we choose to join the rest of the world in this pursuit, we get in line. We don’t make the parts anymore.