March/02/2018 9:59AM
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He who has the best sound bite wins. Sound bite as defined by” a short extract from a recorded interview, chosen for its pungency or appropriateness”.   Here are a few: “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” (JFK),  “I am not a crook” (Nixon), ” Read the full article…

February/06/2018 16:51PM
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Yesterday we toured the Reagan Presidential Library. Today is the date President Reagan was born in 1911. It is ironic the similarities between Reagan and Trump: 15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common A recently unearthed photo shows young Donald Trump shaking hands with President Ronald Reagan. Both men followed two of the worst Read the full article…

January/25/2018 12:32PM
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News today is like a gossip column.  Who’s going to jail when? Who colluded with the Russians? Who misbehaved with whom? This country is the biggest business in the world and needs to be run like all successful businesses. How do two government employees have time to exchange 50,000 text messages in 5 months while working, Read the full article…